Add Your Pet to Your Disaster Plan to Protect Them From Danger
It’s critical that we prepare our animal family members for possible calamities as well as ourselves as September approaches and Disaster Preparedness Month draws near. Chaos and uncertainty can ensue after a natural disaster, such as a storm, earthquake, or wildfire. On the other hand, making preparations in advance for your pet can really help. We have a duty to inform pet owners about the value of catastrophe preparation for their animals as veterinarians and animal clinics. The topic of this article is how to incorporate your pet into your disaster plan.
The most important thing to remember is that your pet needs an emergency kit. This has to have food, water, medicine, a leash, a collar with tags for identification, and any other items your pet needs for comfort and health. In the event that you have to leave, having a carrier or container ready can also be useful.
Second, in the event that you are unable to bring your pet with you during an evacuation, it is imperative that they have a secure area. This may be a boarding house, a motel that allows pets, or a friend’s or relative’s home. Make sure you have your pet’s vital contact information for this location on hand, along with the addresses of the veterinarian clinic and animal shelter in the event that your pet is lost or hurt.
In addition, it is crucial to ensure that your pet’s identification is up-to-date. This includes their collar tags as well as any microchip information. In the chaos of a disaster, pets can quickly become separated from their owners, but having updated identification can aid in their safe return home.
Finally, practicing your Disaster Plan with your pet before a disaster is essential. This can include taking your pet on car rides with their crate or carrier to get them used to it and practicing evacuation drills with them.
We urge you to include your pet in your disaster plan by following the appropriate procedures during this month-long celebration of disaster preparedness. We are here to help you keep your pet safe, so please don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns.